Sam Rainsy To Call Sar Kheng Over Negotiations

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy plans to call CPP Interior Minister Sar Kheng on Thursday to discuss restarting negotiations between the two parties. Mr. Rainsy said that he hoped Mr. Kheng would clarify whether the CPP is unconditionally open to further negotiations, or if the party is still demanding that the CNRP’s 55 lawmakers-elect swear in as National Assembly members—fully legitimizing Prime Minister Hun Sen’s government—before talks are held. “I will call Sar Kheng because this is the mechanism to meet each other,” Mr. Rainsy said, add­ing that the call would be made either before or after a CNRP press conference scheduled for 9 a.m. … “We have expressed our point of view strongly,” Mr. Rainsy said, referring to a statement released by the CNRP on Wednesday, in which the opposition says it will continue to push for an investigation of the disputed July ballot and an overhaul of the electoral system, including the resignation of the nine-member National Election Committee (NEC). “We must first address the legitimacy problem of the recent elections before considering joining the National Assembly and recognizing the legitimacy of any government,” the CNRP said in its statement. …

Colin Meyn and Kuch Naren